An eight week intensive workshop taught Mysore style focused on Sun salutation ((Suryanamaskara)), the core routine utilized by most yoga practices.
Designed to open joints, facilitate complete breathing, and harness vitality its primary focus is to improve mind control and strengthen will.
Completed in about a minute, the routine can serve as a standalone routine for building stamina strength and flexibility or as a routine to start your day.
Regularly practicing Sun Salutation brings happiness, well-being and sunlight to the spirit.
The traditional way of practicing is to get up early in the morning and after the morning routine of a bowel movement and washing, to stand facing the sun performing the poses with an attitude of worship.
This does not mean that Sun salutation should be practiced only at this time; any times a great time for practicing yoga ((Integral Yoga Hatha – Yogiraj Sri Swami Satchidananda))
Advanced Workshops